From all the instant film craze lately, I decided to go out and shoot some of my remaining New55 PN film stock. It’s been sitting on my shelf for the better part of a year, and I figure I should shoot it before it becomes a paperweight.
Recently Famous Format took over the New55 film stock, and have been tweaking the design and slowly building moving forward. See the potential here at Famous Format.
I’m hoping to get another box of New fresh film in before Christmas.
I found a local bike path that weaves along the edge of a nearby college. I still can’t decide if I enjoy the print or the negative better. To the credit of New55, the Positive and Negative alignment (meaning the image you shoot is the same exposure in negative and positive) are not too far off. The positives don’t have deep blacks, but its a HUGE step up from what Polaroid Type 55 had.
You can obviously see that the negative detail is so much clearer than the print, but I still see the two as different parts of the same coin.
I do adjust the negative levels in photoshop, but have not touched the print’s scan.
It began snowing, and as a Large Format shooter, dealing with wet weather and wooden cameras are not the best mix.
All these were shot on my Intrepid MK2 with a Polaroid Tominon 127mm lens think at f8-11 1/8th of a second
If you have been living under a rock and enjoy instant film, Consider supporting this Kickstarter ONE INSTANT
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